Johnnie Cowan
Johnnie Cowan is an award-winning Low Country artist. She is the founder and first president of the Georgetown County Watercolor Society and is a signature member of the South Carolina Watermedia Society. She has been active in the art community for over forty years as an artist, teacher and advocate for the Arts. She works in both oils and transparent watercolors, and her works have been juried into numerous exhibits including the Southern Watercolor Society, the South Carolina Watermedia Society, Spoleto, Waccamaw Arts and Craft Guild, MOJO International and more. She has taught art in both private and public schools to all age groups, and her paintings can be found in homes and offices in the South.
Johnnie has recently been focusing on painting nature’s open spaces, particularly the marsh and ocean. She say,” Although the marsh would seem easy to render, it is in fact as difficult to paint as the ocean.” She prepares for her paintings by both drawing and painting on location. To find the best lighting and composition, she has also photographed each location at different times of the day and in different seasons to use as references.
Recent awards:
2016 First Place Seaside Palette- Plein Air
2017 3rd place Seaside Palate PleinAir
2014 25th Anniversary Wooden Boat Show Artist of the Year
2014 Signature member SC Watermedia Society
2013 2014 Best-in-Show Georgetown County Watercolor Society
2013 Georgetown County Cultural Council Artist of the Year
Georgetown Art Gallery